22 June 2022

New Biblical Commentary Series now available

Biblical Studies. Through consultation and collaboration with colleagues in the department, the Library has recently ensured arranged access to the Wisdom Bible Commentary Series. The ongoing series seeks to provide “a detailed feminist interpretation and commentary of every book of the Bible” supplied by a community of scholars that “represent many different religious traditions, diverse ages, and varying cultural, racial, ethnic, and social contexts.” Individual volumes now available to researchers – predominantly in electronic form – are  listed on Library Search and there is also a series link showing the 25 volumes accessible at the time of writing. The material supports both taught and research activity on biblical reception and offers a liberative take on texts, incorporating colonial and ecological stances, contextualising them and re-examining rhetorical effects in the light of contemporary concerns. As ever, pointers to further discipline-based resources can be found on the Library's Religions & Theology subject guide and in particular the databases section.