20 June 2022

Biblical Studies PhD Day Conference, Durham University

Biblical Studies.
Peter Oakes reports: For many years, Manchester and Durham University have jointly held a day conference for Biblical Studies PhD students. This has grown to include universities from across Scotland and the North of England. Eleven Manchester students and five staff took part in this year’s Northern Universities Postgraduate Day Conference in Biblical and Patristic Studies, at Durham on 31 May. Students presented 31 papers, including six from Manchester: Hannah Campbell, “Jephthah’s Fatal Vow – A Daughter Sacrificed for Male Gain”; Mateusz Krzesinski, “‘To be (a Jew) or not to be?’ is it a question? Romans 2.28-29 and the change of identities”; Anna Budhi-Thornton, “‘It’s Raining Manliness’: The Complex Interaction of Masculine Ideals in the Gospel of John”; Lev Eakins, “The Gospel according to the Hebrews: a mid-1st century composition?”; Sherry Ashworth, “The Other Woman: Vashti's influence on Esther in the Book of Esther read through the lens of three nineteenth century novels”; Andrew Wisdom, “‘A traumatic parting of the ways’? Paul and the loss of Barnabas in Galatians”. We also enjoyed a lively plenary lecture from Professor Mark Goodacre of Duke University, USA, “‘I, Quartus’: Luke’s Scribe and his Importance for the Synoptic Problem”. (He didn’t really think he knew the scribe’s name! Quiz question: why pick a name like that? [check out Romans 16:22]). It was a great opportunity for students to meet others, to learn about what people were researching, and to have a go at conference presenting in a very friendly and supportive environment.