Liberal Arts and Christian theology. Congratulations and a warm welcome to Wren Radford who has been appointed Lecturer in Liberal Arts and who will work closely with Scott Midson on the Liberal Arts programme from Sept 2022. Wren's research specialism lies in innovative qualitative and collaborative approaches to practical theology, a programme of research developed in their role as the LTI postdoctoral fellow under Peter Scott. Among their major publications is Lived Experiences and Social Transformations: Poetics, Politics and Power Relations in Practical Theology (Brill, 2022). Wren is able to teach in a variety of disciplines and one immediate benefit for Religions & Theology is that we expect to be offering Wren's course RELT31131 Literature and Theology once again next year.
30 June 2022
International Day of Parliamentarism
Parliament of the World's Religions. To celebrate International Day of Parliamentarism (30 June) see… John Zavos, "Dialogues on Religion and Violence at the Parliament of the World’s Religions” in Green N. (ed.) & Searle-Chatterjee M. (ed.) Religion Language and Power (New York: Routledge 2008), 27-41, and
John Zavos, "Bin Laden is one of us! Representations of religious identity at the Parliament of the World's Religions” in Culture and Religion (2008) 9:1, 45-61.
Reading group, phenomenology
Kant's Critique of Judgement. Alex Samely
reports on the new reading planned for the academic year 2022–23. "We decided after our last meeting that we would read Kant's Critique of Judgment in the next academic year. We are likely to restart our fortnightly Wednesday meetings in September, and we may use as our main English translation the relevant volume by Matthews and Guyer in the Cambridge Kant series (Critique of the Power of Judgment, CUP 2000). We will meet by zoom." Please get in touch with Alex ( if you wish to join the group. Further information.
Conference papers, BIAJS
Jewish Studies. Research papers offered at the 2022 annual conference of the British and Irish Assocaition for Jewish Studies ("Unfolding Time: Texts - Practices - Politics") include: PhD student Sherry Ashworth, 'On Time and Reading the Book of Esther', CJS postdoctoral fellow Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz, '"A taste of
the world to come": time and timelessness at Limmud conference', and CJS honorary research fellow Avishalom Westreich, 'The Civil Revolution of Jewish Family Law in Israel'. King's College London, 11-13 July 2022. Further information.
Podcast, Sherman Community Lecture 2021
Jewish Studies. The 2021 Sherman Community Lecture by Prof George Brooke is now available to view online. The lecture is entitled "Questioning Qumran: Judaism and the Dead Sea Scrolls" and was first presented 9 Dec 2021. Watch on YouTube.
New publication
Christian Social Ethics. Wren Radford and Peter Scott have co-edited a special issue of the journal Crucible, on the theme of ‘Beveridge at 80: Welfare Revisited’. Wren Radford has also written one of the four articles for the issue. The editorial is free to access. Further information.
Conference paper, BAHS
Holocaust Studies. CJS honorary research fellow Ion Popa will present a paper at the British Association for Holocaust Studies' annual conference. The paper is entitled: "The Kingdom of Christ: The Churches' Totalitarianism and the Holocaust." University of Winchester, 19 July 2022. Further information.
Digital exhibition, Rylands Library
Hebrew and Jewish Studies. The new digital exhibition 'The Many Faces of the Rylands' Jewish Manuscripts' is now available to view. "This important collection of manuscripts is one of the best in the UK and contains many surprises. The collection includes beautiful manuscripts, including the gloriously illuminated Sephardi Rylands Haggadah. Other manuscripts look nondescript at first sight, torn scraps of parchment or badly damaged books, but contain precious evidence for Jewish life and thought in the far-flung Diaspora. This exhibition focusses on lesser-known items that illustrate the diversity of the collection and hidden details discovered by cataloguers. Never judge a book by its cover." Further information.
Blog entry, The Torah
Jewish Studies. CJS honorary research fellow, Michael Hilton, "Between Shavuot and Pentecost" (with John Barton) on "The Torah never associates Shavuot with any event in Israel’s history. Moshe Weinfeld (1925–2009) of Hebrew University argued that already in biblical times, it was associated with the revelation on Mount Sinai..." Further information.
Blog interview, Vox
Religion and Technology. Scott Midson has been interviewed by Vox Recode on the subject of sentient AI. "Let’s start with the big story that came out of Google a few weeks ago.
How common is it that someone with religious views believes that AI or
technology has a soul, or that it’s something more than just technology...?" Further information.
New position, AHRC research associate
Religion and environmentalism. Applications are
invited for the post of Research Associate in Religion, Theology and Climate Change. This is part of an AHRC-funded project that will focus on Christianity in the UK to explore in detail the on-the-ground theological responses and changes generated by how this religious tradition is responding to the crisis of climate change. The duration of the position: 1 Oct 2022 - 30 Sept 2025. Salary: £33,309 per annum Closing date: 20 July 2022. Further information.
Funding, research leave
Biblical Studies. Congratulations to Andy Boakye, who has been awarded Supplementary Research Leave by the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures for semester two of the next academic year. He will be working on a commentary on Paul's Letter to the Ephesians for Zondervan's WORD Biblical themes series.
29 June 2022
Fellow of the International Society for Religion and Science
Religion and Science. Congratulations to Daniel Langton who has been made a Fellow of the International Society for Science and
Religion. This is based on Daniel's
scholarly contributions to the area of Judaism and evolutionary theory. Further information.
24 June 2022
PhD completion
South Asian Studies. Congratulations to Rosie Edgley (AHRC-funded) who has defended successfully her doctoral thesis 'Kṛṣṇa’s Person and Pedagogy in the Gītā Commentaries of Śaṃkara, Śrīdhara and Madhusūdana', on three commentators who wrote in Sanskrit, from the 8th, 14th and 16th centuries respectively. Her supervisors were Jackie Suthren Hirst and John Zavos, and her external examiner was Brian Black (Lancaster).
22 June 2022
Public screening
Religion and race. Andy Boakye announces: "There will be a Manchester screening of Prof. Robert Beckford's new documentary After the Flood: The Church, Slavery and Reconciliation. It addresses the question of the Church of England’s complicity in the slave trade and some of the social, political and religious implications of reparations and reconciliation. I went to the London screening, and I assure you, you will not be disappointed! The screening will be on 12 July at 7:30pm at the Methodist Central Hall in Manchester’s northern quarter and there is a small surcharge." To book via eventbrite, see further information.
New Biblical Commentary Series now available
Biblical Studies. Through consultation and collaboration with colleagues in the department, the Library has recently ensured arranged access to the Wisdom Bible Commentary Series. The ongoing series seeks to provide “a detailed feminist interpretation and commentary of every book of the Bible” supplied by a community of scholars that “represent many different religious traditions, diverse ages, and varying cultural, racial, ethnic, and social contexts.” Individual volumes now available to researchers – predominantly in electronic form – are listed on Library Search and there is also a series link showing the 25 volumes accessible at the time of writing. The material supports both taught and research activity on biblical reception and offers a liberative take on texts, incorporating colonial and ecological stances, contextualising them and re-examining rhetorical effects in the light of contemporary concerns. As ever, pointers to further discipline-based resources can be found on the Library's Religions & Theology subject guide and in particular the databases section.
21 June 2022
World Music Day
Music. To celebrate World Music Day (21 June) see… Daniel Langton, "Felix Mendelssohn’s Oratorio St. Paul and the Question of Self-Definition" in Journal of Jewish Identities (2008) 1/1, 1-15.
20 June 2022
Biblical Studies PhD Day Conference, Durham University
Biblical Studies. Peter Oakes reports: For many years, Manchester and Durham University have jointly held a day conference for Biblical Studies PhD students. This has grown to include universities from across Scotland and the North of England. Eleven Manchester students and five staff took part in this year’s Northern Universities Postgraduate Day Conference in Biblical and Patristic Studies, at Durham on 31 May. Students presented 31 papers, including six from Manchester: Hannah Campbell, “Jephthah’s Fatal Vow – A Daughter Sacrificed for Male Gain”; Mateusz Krzesinski, “‘To be (a Jew) or not to be?’ is it a question? Romans 2.28-29 and the change of identities”; Anna Budhi-Thornton, “‘It’s Raining Manliness’: The Complex Interaction of Masculine Ideals in the Gospel of John”; Lev Eakins, “The Gospel according to the Hebrews: a mid-1st century composition?”; Sherry Ashworth, “The Other Woman: Vashti's influence on Esther in the Book of Esther read through the lens of three nineteenth century novels”; Andrew Wisdom, “‘A traumatic parting of the ways’? Paul and the loss of Barnabas in Galatians”. We also enjoyed a lively plenary lecture from Professor Mark Goodacre of Duke University, USA, “‘I, Quartus’: Luke’s Scribe and his Importance for the Synoptic Problem”. (He didn’t really think he knew the scribe’s name! Quiz question: why pick a name like that? [check out Romans 16:22]). It was a great opportunity for students to meet others, to learn about what people were researching, and to have a go at conference presenting in a very friendly and supportive environment.
Research paper, Durham University
New Testament Studies. Sarah Parkhouse will be presenting a talk on the Gospel of John in the Gospel of Mary, at "The Reception of the Gospel of John as a Literary Source" Workshop. The event is hosted by Elizabeth Corsar (St Padarn's Institute) and Julia Lindenlaub (CUP). St Chad’s College Durham, 13-15 July 2022.
New publication
Christian Studies. Sarah Parkhouse, "Selling the Mysteries in Roman Egypt: Christian Entrepreneurship and the Pistis Sophia", Religion in the Roman Empire 7:3 (2021), 315-333. Further information.
19 June 2022
Presentations, Limmud
Jewish Studies. Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz presented 3 sessions at "Limud Helsinki" on The Karaites; Unity and Diversity, The Tower of Babel; and Introduction to the Targums (13-15 May 2022), and a session on gender roles in Orthodox Judaism at Bristol Limmud on 19 June 2022. Limmud is a major Jewish educational charity with branches in 47 countries with links to wider sectarian Jewish society and organisations. Continuing the theme, Lindsey will be presenting a paper on 'Concepts of time and timelessness in Limmud' at the Oxford Summer Institute (3-8 July) of the Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Oxford.
18 June 2022
International Day for Sustainable Gastronomy
Food. To celebrate International Day for Sustainable Gastronomy (18 June) see… John Zavos, "The Aura of Chips: Material Engagements and the Production of Everyday Religious Difference in British Asian Street Kitchens" in Sociology of Religion (2019), 1-23,
and "Ethical narratives street kitchens and doing religious difference amongst post-migrant communities in contemporary Britain" in Culture and Religion (2019), 1-26.
17 June 2022
World Day to Combat Desertification
Deserts. In recognition of World Day to Combat Desertification (17 June) see… Todd Klutz "From Temple to Desert: Intertextuality and Individualism in the Apocryphon of John 1.5 - 2.19" in Wilderness in Early Judaism and Christianity, Amsler F. & Fowler K. (eds.). (Lausanne: Éditions du Zèbre, 2019) and Clare Radford, "'The Desert is Our Neighbour': A Postcolonial Feminist Ethic of Narrative Encounter in Helen Oyeyemi’s Mr Fox" in Literature and Theology (2018), 193-210.
Careers service news
Opportunities and events. The Careers Service remains open over the summer for one-to-one guidance appointments, CV and application feedback and interview practice opportunities. Our support and resources are available to our current students and also our graduates, who can access our help for up to two years after graduation. To see the range of support we can offer you, please see the Help & Advice section of our website.
13 June 2022
Religion Media Centre, panel
Religion and science. Scott Midson is amongst five experts asked to comment on the recent media story that a Google chatbot has come to life. "A Google engineer, Blake Lemoine, [has] claimed that a chatbot he was working
on had become sentient and was thinking and reasoning like a human
being..." Further information.
11 June 2022
Screen & Talk, film showing
Jewish Studies. The Centre for Jewish Studies and the Department of Drama at Manchester University are pleased to announce that the next Screen & Talk event
will be the streaming of ‘The Brasch Family’. Annekatrin Hendel’s
documentary depicts three generations of the Braschs, a Jewish family
whose first generation returned from exile from National Socialism to
settle in East Germany. Whereas the first generation were ardent
supporters of the German Democratic Republic, their three sons Thomas,
Peter and Klaus – all of them artists – developed into critics of the
system. Through interviews with surviving relatives, loved ones and
friends, the film paints a social, political and cultural history of the
GDR through the canvas of a family saga. The film will be available on the UKJF streaming platform from 9-13 June 2022. It
is followed by an online live discussion panel on 13 June, 18.00 BST
(British Summer Time). Register for the panel discussion in advance here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Further information.
New publication
Christian Studies and art history. Incoming Leverhulme postdoctoral fellow Samuel O'Connor Perks, 'Between mysticism and industry: Breuer, the
Benedictines and a binder'
in Journal of Art Historiography no.26 (June 2022), 1-48. Further information.
Panel, book launch
New Testament Studies. Andy Boakye is a distinguished panel member at the book launch for Matthew Novenson, Paul, Then and Now (2022). Zoom event, 4pm, Mon 20 June 2022. Further information.
MA Student Day-Conference
School of Arts, Languages and Cultures. This event will provide an opportunity for MA students across the School to hone their professional presentation skills, gain feedback on work in progress, and network across the disciplines. Panels include Horror on Screen, Resistance and Identity, New Creative Work, The State and the Body Politic. Contact: Venue: Graduate School, Ellen Wilkinson Building. 10:00am-4:00pm, Tue 14 June 2022.
Teaching excellence, funding
Learning tools. Congratulations to Katja Stuerzenhofecker who has been awarded £2900 'Student Experience' funding for a large suite of Ketso kits, a learning tool for small group work, individual self-directed study and essay planning. The reusable kits will be available to students on the new course RELT31322 Contemporary Religion in the British Isles. The award-winning Ketso tool was developed by Joanne Tippett, Lecturer in Spatial Planning at the University of Manchester.
04 June 2022
Conference papers, EABS
Biblical Studies. Helen R. Jacobus, "The Gospel of John and the Second Passover in the Qumran Calendars". Siobhan Jolley, "Liberative Reception Criticism: The Case for Methodological Advances in Contemporary
Reception Studies". George Brooke, "The Scrolls at 75: Four Areas of Ongoing Research". Sarah Parkhouse, "Imagined Religiosity and Lived Religion in the Carthaginian Amphitheatre (2nd ‒ 3rd
Century)". Piotr Bienkowski, "The Formation of Edom: Faynan and 'Early Edom'". Mary Mills, Bible and Emotions seminar on embodiment in Jeremiah. Annual conference of the European Association of Biblical Studies, Toulouse, 4-7 July 2022. Further information.
01 June 2022
Conference paper, British Sociological Association
Jewish Studies. Katja Stuerzenhofecker will give a paper entitled "Traditional prayers, returning voices: Orthodox
Jewish women and girls' singing in a public ritual under COVID-19" at the SocRel annual conference for which the theme is disruption, crisis and continuity in religion. 4-6 July 2022. Further information.
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