19 April 2022

Symposium, Hexing the Patriarchy, Manchester

Religious Studies and witchcraft. "Hexing the Patriarchy, Spellcasting for Change and Demonic Democracies: Explorations of Magical Activism and Enchanted Politics." This one day symposium at the University of Manchester on 26 May 2022 will bring together activists and academics who practice and research the growth of magical knowledge and magical activism in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, particularly within the UK and Ireland. The aim of the symposium is to explore interdisciplinary issues relating to magical practices and the increased visibility of enchanted politics in modern and contemporary social media, artistic, protest and popular cultures. For the full programme of speakers and link to free tickets for the in person event please see https://hollymorse.wixsite.com/hexingthepatriarchy If you would like to join the event online, please email the organiser holly.morse@manchester.ac.uk