25 April 2022

Doctoral and ECR training workshop

For UK-based Jewish Studies research postgraduates.
The Centre for Jewish Studies at Manchester University is pleased to announce the sixth doctoral and early career research training event of the Northern UK and Dublin Jewish Studies Partnership. Advanced PhD students and post-doctoral researchers from Partnership institutions and other UK Universities can apply to participate in a range of online sessions taking place on 13-14 June 2022. Applications from outside the UK will be considered. The event will include sessions on interviewing for lectureships from an interviewer’s point of view, academics working in university/research administration, the role of research question/methodology in publications and funding applications, as well as current trends in the academic treatment of the Jewish Muslim Encounter and Filmic Representations of Jews in Post-1990s Europe. There will also be an event engaging with PGR/ECR researchers in Ukraine. Participants will be able to meet experienced staff for informal, one-to-one advice on any aspect of their research, career planning or publication priorities. For programme and further information, see http://www.manchesterjewishstudies.org/n-uk-js-partnership/. Register for this free event by submitting the online form https://forms.office.com/r/6ecGGvH0C7 by 20 May 2022.