27 September 2024

Nazarene Theological College Updates


Partner Institution. Jacob Lett (NTC) presented the paper “An Evangelical Analogia Entis?” at the Tyndale Fellowship in July which will be published as “Toward an Analogia Sanctificationis: Reconsidering Protestant Response to the Analogia Entis,” in Participatio: Journal of the Thomas F. Torrance Theological Fellowship. Samuel Hildebrandt (NTC) was co–chair and presenter (“Positive Loneliness in Lamentations”) at the new research unit “Loneliness in the Biblical World” at ISBL Amsterdam in August and also presented “The Myths of Maths: A Reception History of the Numbers in Numbers 1” at the SOTS Summer Meeting in Oxford. Assisted by Kengoro Goto (PhD–Candidate, NTC), he also saw the first SOTS Book List under his editorship released in July 2024.