28 August 2024

Conference Papers

Biblical studies. At the 2024 British New Testament Society Conference hosted by the University of Glasgow, Siobhán Jolley and Rachel Miller co-presented a paper "Why Let the Truth Get in the Way of a Good Story? On Magdalenes, Jezebels, and Women of Ill-Repute"; Daniel J. Atkins (NTC) presented "Chosen in Messiah: Israel within God’s Messianic oikonomia in Ephesians"; Loveday Alexander responded to Monique Cuany's new book, "Proclaiming the Kerygma in Athens: the argument of Acts 17:16-34 in light of the Epicurean and Stoic debates about piety and divine images in early post-Hellenistic times" and Richard Burridge responded to Justin Strong’s "The Fables of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke: A New Foundation for the Study of Parables". Further information.