21 December 2022

Call for academic participants

British religion
. Call in relation to the ReSBri (Religion & Society in 19th-century Britain) network: "I'm constituting a network (Religion & Society in 19-c Britain, or ReSBri) whose aim is to apply for a Marie Curie Action (MSCA) "post-doctoral network" by 15 Nov 2023. The broad subject of our application will be the interrelated links and influences between Religion, Literature and Society in 19C Britain. We're currently thinking about what subjects, questions, incidents, persons etc, our application's scientific project could/should cover. Members can contribute in two ways: 1. Contributing to building the scientific project. 2. Contributing to elaborating the doctoral training programme we'll lay out in the application. If you’re interested to join us or simply would like to know more, you can contact me, Dr Jérôme Grosclaude, at jerome.grosclaude@uca.fr"