06 December 2021

Early Career Research training, India

South Asian Studies.
John Zavos has just spent two weeks (virtually) in India, first in Kerala in the week commencing 6/12, then in Nagaland in the week commencing 13/12, facilitating week long workshops funded by the British Academy on Effective Academic Writing. The workshops are designed to build capacity amongst Early Career Researchers in parts of India where research infrastructure is less readily available. We brought together a team of scholars from India, Norway, and the United Kingdom, all of whom work in different disciplines within the field of South Asian Studies, to facilitate workshops on applying for grants, publishing in peer-reviewed journals, impact and knowledge exchange and other aspects of building your academic profile. We also established a mentoring programme for the session participants, sustained over the next year and culminating in a further workshop, this one hopefully face to face, in India in December 2022. Further information.