24 May 2024


Dead Sea Scrolls. On April 15, George Brooke was interviewed about the Copper Scroll for From the Desk website. He even mentioned Manchester! Read it here

22 May 2024

New Publication

Biblical studies. Stephen C. Barton, ‘Creation in the Synoptic Gospels’, in Jason Goroncy, ed., The T&T Clark Handbook of the Doctrine of Creation (London: Bloomsbury, 2024), 79-91.

17 May 2024

Conference Paper

Jewish-Muslim relations. On 10 May, Rob Kanter presented at the Historical Association Conference on 'Jewish–Muslim relations in Britain: history, implications and educational opportunities'. The presentation explored historical interactions between Jews and Muslims in the British context c1900-40 as well as highlighting the complex role of Muslim rescuers during the Holocaust. This was followed by a discussion was held on implications for History schemes of learning at key stages three and four. It was widely felt that the narratives covered could be used to address misconceptions and enhance teachers subject and pedagogical knowledge in this area. Further information.

15 May 2024

Neurodiversity in Reading Workshop

Are there 'neurodivergent experiences' of textuality? A three-hour workshop led by Alex Samely will run on Monday 20th May, 10am-1pm, in Room A116, Sam Alex building. Open to all PGRs who consider themselves neurodivergent at UoM. Places are limited to 12 and registration will be on a first come first serve basis. Sign up here.

Reading group, Phenomenology

Phenomenology. The Phenomenology Reading Group will devote its final meetings this semester to Walter Benjamin’s Messianic-materialist thought on the nature of history. The meetings will be Wednesdays at 5–6.30 pm by zoom on 22 May and 5 June (the latter to be confirmed). We will begin by discussing Benjamin’s “Theses on the Philosophy of History”. Please get in touch with the convenor Alex Samely if you wish to join. Further information.

09 May 2024

Asian Theological Institute Summer School

Theology. Sunkyo Park will participate in the Asian Theological Institute Summer School at United Lutheran Seminary (ULS), USA, from May 27 to June 1. The Asian Theological Institute at ULS organises the summer school. It is held every summer, and this year, 21 people from all around the world are participating. Sunkyo will have the opportunity to present his thesis and learn about Asian theology. Further information.

08 May 2024

Conference Paper

Biblical Studies. Peter Oakes is presenting "Manchester Non-Conformity as a Context for Being a Baptist Biblical Scholar" at Baptists and Biblical Scholarship: Historical and Contemporary Reflections, 9th May, Regent's Park College, University of Oxford. Further information.

07 May 2024

AHRC Studentship success

Jewish Studies. Rabbi Aaron Lipsey has been awarded an AHRC Doctoral Studentship in the Religious Studies pathway for a project entitled 'The Responses of the Lubavitcher Rebbe to the Holocaust: A Study of His Letters, Talks and Teachings'. The project will be supervised by Alex Samely and Daniel Langton in the Dept of Religions and Theology, commencing in Sept 2024. Michael Hoelzl, lead for the North West Consortium Doctoral Training Programme for the Religions pathway commented "This PhD project represents an excellent opportunity to investigate some fascinating aspects of the so-called ultra-Orthodox Jewish community. I congratulate Aaron, who is an exceptional student and who graduated from our MA degree programme in the Study of Religions and Theology several years ago, on winning this prestigious AHRC award. I hope that this will encourage other mid- and late-career candidates, and even post-career students, to apply for external funding and to undertake a PhD at the University of Manchester."

Conference, Clerical Lives in Britain, c. 1600-1800

Church history. Please see here for a Call for Papers for 'Clerical Lives in Britain, c. 1600-1800', The University of Manchester, 17 September 2024. Keynote speakers are Professor Jacqueline Eales (Canterbury Christ Church University) and Professor Jon Stobart (Manchester Metropolitan University). The deadline for submitting abstracts is 1 June 2024.

02 May 2024

Feature Article

Biblical studies. CBS HRF Helen Jacobus has had a feature article published in the Church Times about her article in the Polish Journal of Biblical Research on the Gospel of John and the Second Passover. Read it here.

01 May 2024

PhD Success

Biblical studies. David Bell has successfully completed his PhD titled "Children’s Lives and Deaths in 1 Thessalonians: The Significance of the Presence of Children for Interpreting Context and Text", supervised by Peter Oakes and Roberta Mazza and examined by Louise Lawrence and Andy Boakye. Congratulations!